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My name is Michael, and I am a graduate of the Nottingham Trent University School of Arts. Originally from Haddath, Lebanon, our family migrated to the south of the UK in 2009 and have always remembered having a keen eye for clothes. According to my mother I would never stop pointing out women’s shoes or the buttons on men’s jackets as she had me over her shoulder on the streets of Beirut. Now specialising in Costume Design and Making, I have always been a Fine Art student at heart practicing my craft since Year 9 at Steyning Grammar School. With, I believe, a record number of hours spent after school in the art room, experimentation with mixed media and self-conducted in-depth historical and cultural research has firmly cemented itself into my creative process.


From screen printing textiles to tailoring menswear’s with unconventional materials such as Ikea Bags, my academic experience at N.T.U has taught me to be bold with construction research, to be brave with my design choices and most importantly to collate regular feedback from your peers. The industry is a community of artists who all share a passion for creating memorable experiences through clothing and costume. One day I hope I can share the skills I have developed and refined as a student into the professional world while continuing to hone my craft.

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